Blog 9

The biggest advantage I think of using presentation software no matter what the grade is that you can include pictures, diagrams, and information all in one presentation which allows students to see and compare at a quick glance. In addition I think that presentation software has many different options in terms of linking to outside sources to be pulled up, web links and with software like jing, you can include a video of yourself or someone else with recorded information and embed it.

The digital divide is one that can be looked at in many ways. The digital divide can be between people being able to use new technology or not or be unwilling to use new technology. Personally I think that I am very good with technology and have been using it all my life so I am always open to trying new technologies and programs to see if they will make my life easier. I also prefer to use technology whenever possible as it is much easier to backup, transfer and access from any where without having to carry things around (example excel vs a piece of paper). As technology has advanced though many people especially in certain industries would prefer not to go paperless, or  switch to email as much as telephone calls because of the way they have succeeded for so many years.

Educational articles I have seen recently are a lot of posted by Google education on twitter. These articles are focused mainly on how to properly incorporate technology and programs into an educational setting. I think this is a major issue at the moment because a lot of teachers want to use technology in their classrooms, but do not know how to incorporate it into their current lessons properly. I think as time goes on and more programs and technology come about, and also as young teachers are thrust into the workforce this will change majorly and it will begin being used properly.


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